
Jennie Wade House

Credit Gettysburg Tour Center

Credit Gettysburg Tour Center

The Jennie Wade House is located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It is dedicated to the only civilian killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. The location has been in operation since 1906. The group may take a tour of the Museum and also visit the Gift Shop which contains collectibles and other souvenirs. The house is authentically furnished from the cellar to the attic and is a shrine to Jennie and life during the American Civil War. During the time of the battle, Jennie Wade was just 20 years old kneading dough in her kitchen when a rifle bullet pierced two of the doors and claimed her life. The location features guides who are dressed in period attire. These individuals are well-versed in the history of the house. For several years, they have enthralled visitors with passionate retellings of the tragedy that befell young Jennie and her family. There are artifacts from that fatal day in 1863 on display at the location as well, including the artillery shell that punctured the roof of the house and a floorboard.

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