
Meet Your Congressman

Everyone remembers the hard-to-miss political campaigns that roar over radios, stare at you from your television, stand on the signs in people’s lawns, and even speak to you through the phone during election times. All of this advertising done, but how much do you really know about the person you potentially voted for? Here is one fantastic way to truthfully understand your elected congress person. This opportunity to meet your congressman can be a once in a lifetime experience for anyone and a great way to teach your travel group or educational tour about the process of election and the responsibilities of a congressperson. Ask questions and explore the mind of a Politian when you take advantage of this remarkable instance in which your group will truly learn what it means to be an American and see the impact of their opinions and how just one vote may change the life of an individual! This would be a great addition to any group wanting to learn about our government or just learn in general. For any young aspiring politicians, in the group, this meeting will be something memorable an influential. You may even get the chance to first-hand hear the life story of the person you chose to represent you. Your educational travel group will not want to miss an opportunity as rare and as valuable as this! Help to sculpt the minds of your group as well as maintain a sense of American pride and recognition when you see your congressperson for yourself!

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